The Porn Debate
It may surprise you that there is a debate as to whether porn is generally a good thing or a bad thing.Pornography is now such a prevalent part of our...
Counselling when you are a person of few words
It may seem odd but it does happen, some people come to counselling and would be happy to just sit there and say nothing. This is more of an issue...
Anxiety; Where fear takes over
Anxiety is a very broad term. There are many types of anxiety. Along with depression it can be clinically classified as one of the primary mood disorders. There is a...
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
What is C.B.T.? How does it work? Will it help me? Why is it so popular? Where did it come from?
Waiting; An opportunity or a frustration?
Waiting can be an opportunity to satisfy the calm mind or a frustration by stopping the body from running the race.